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The passed 2022 season

It is still end of October, But the season of fishing is finish I think. Though I fished till the end of the year, looking for some target when I was more younger, in recent year,I could not make time and fish during a few hours at evening. So, It was such situation in this year, but I could catch fishes luckily. During past time, I could make my fishing more efficiency. only two hours is enough to fish. However I don't have enough stamina to work riverside for all day. So it is not enough but I can do for such times.
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The first fish in this season. I was glad to catch it, and it gave me peace of mind.
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One of average size, it is funny to fish such size constantly. It is a blissful time to make us think no more anything.
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This one could be caught on high water level condition, which was tough to fish on surface I thought.
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This one suddenly appeared and take caddis pattern fly, then it rush under the rock and water current, bending my rod on bat section. I was satisfied to get such powerful one. mufufu...

# by pex1413 | 2022-11-15 00:22